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TCA Carcass Awards Dinner
The TCA Carcass Awards Dinner is a contest that rewards our 4H, FFA and Independent Market steer
exhibitors with premium money provided for Carcass of Merit, Gold Seal Carcass and an award for Carcass Champion at Placer County, Nevada County and Gold Country fairs, along with an informative program educating exhibitors on the economic value of the carcass data. This year it was held at the Bear River High School on December 6th. If you would like to check out the presentation given at the dinner, visit our resource page under the membership tab to access the slideshow! Congratulations to the 2022 winners!
2022 Placer County Top 3
1. James Segale: $0.00 (Choice-, YG3.8, 820 lbs)
2. Erica Haddox: -$174.53 (Select+, YG2.8, 783 lbs)
3. Cooper Maul: -$175.20 (Select+, YG2.3, 800 lbs)
2022 Nevada County Top 3
1. Layla O’Connor: $163.66 (Prime-, YG3.5, 811 lbs)
2. Savanna Hansen: $79.06 (Choice, YG1.0, 864 lbs)
3. Blake Simning: $69.54 (Choice, YG1.9, 760 lbs)
2022 Gold Country Fair Top 3
1. Emilee Miller: $57.75 (Choice, YG2.8, 831 lbs)
2. Mathew Marino: $57.43 (Choice, YG2.0, 916 lbs)
3. Lauren Pineschi: $57.27 (Choice+, YG2.5, 824 lbs)

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